
City of Lost Souls/ Clockwork Prince Valentinstags Teaser

Der Valentinstag war ja schon vorgestern... Trotzdem haben wir (etwas
verspätet) noch zwei Valentinstags Teaser von Cassandra Clare entdeckt, genauer gesagt ein Teaser aus City of Lost Souls zwischen Jace und Clary und eine herausgenommene Szene aus Clockwork Prince. Und hier kommen sie auch schon ;3:

 Hinweis: Diese Teaser könnten Spoiler enthalten ;3...

City of Lost Souls Teaser
Jace set what he was holding down on the windowsill and reached out to her. She came to lean against him, and his hand slid up under her t-shirt and rested caressingly, possessively, on the small of her back. He bent to kiss her, gently at first, but the gentleness went quickly and soon she was pressed up against the glass of the window, his hands at the hem of her shirt — his shirt —

“Jace.” She moved a little bit away. “I’m pretty sure people down there in the street can see us.”

“We could …” He gestured toward the bed. “Move…over there.”

She grinned. “You said that like it took you a while to come up with the idea.”

When he spoke, his voice was muffled against her neck. “What can I say, you make my thought processes slow down. Now I know what it’s like to be a normal person.”

“How … is it?” The things he was doing with his hands under the t-shirt were distracting.

“Terrible. I’m already way behind on my quota of witty comments for the day.”

Clockwork Prince entfallene Szene
“And that is it?” Jem said. “That is the whole of it? The truth?”

He was sitting at his desk, one of his legs bent up on the chair beneath him; he looked very young. His violin was propped against the side of the chair. He had been playing it when Will had come in and, without preamble, announced that now was the end of pretense: Will had a confession to make, and he meant to make it now.

That had been the end of the music: Jem laying his violin down with a startled look and leaning back, tensed as if he were readying himself for whatever Will might throw at him.

“That is all of it,” said Will, who had been pacing back and forth as he spoke, and had only now paused to look at Jem. “And I do not blame you if you hate me. I could understand it.”

There was a long pause. Jem’s gaze was steady on his face, steady and silver in the wavering light of the fire.“I could never hate you, William.”   [Mehr?]

4 Kommentare:

  1. clockwork prince hab ich ja schon gelesen :D echt ein tolles buch !! und city of lost souls --- ahhh bin ja schon so gespannt ..immer diese teaser ;D lol


  2. Ich hab Clockwork Prince auf meinem sub liegen und bekomme immer ein schlechtes Gewissen wenn ich es sehe ;D. Wird wohl Zeit es endlich zu lesen...

  3. Nachdem ich heute "Die Bestimmung" beendet habe, werde ich mich wohl demnächst endlich an "City of Fallen Angels" machen. Nachdem ich einem vierten Band generell etwas skeptisch gegenüberstand, hat nun schließlich doch die Neugierde gesiegt.

    Von den Clockwork Büchern habe ich bisher noch keines gelesen, irgendwie reizen sie mich nicht so sehr, zumal ich mich sowieso immer mehr von Fantasy abwende. Aber euch/einer von euch (:D) scheint es ja ziemlich gut gefallen zu haben, zumindest der erste Teil, wie ich sehe.

    Übrigens, es mag vielleicht etwas verspätet kommen, aber dennoch: Mir gefällt euer Tapetenwechsel sehr gut, auch der neue Banner. ♥ Genauso schön, wenn nicht schöner, als das alte Design.

  4. @ Livi Wie freuen uns, dass dir das neue Design gefällt :D.
    Von uns beiden bin ich (Carolin) die einzige die Cassandra Clare ließt (oder allgemein Bücher auf englisch XD)


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